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Depending on the cooling mechanism of the power supply there are different considerations and restriction towards the mounting orientation of the power supply and distance towards other components and self-heating components.

In general, please check our power supply user manuals on (Installation Manual-MEAN WELL Switching Power Supply Manufacturer). The actual distance and orientation depend normally on system design. Customers must review and test the power supplies in the real application and environment.

General guidelines for power supplies with different cooling mechanisms:

  • Power supplies with an internal fan or which are cooled with an external fan have less constraints regarding the orientation in which they are mounted. Nevertheless, the fans and ventilation holes must be kept free from any obstructions. Also, a 10-15 cm clearance must be kept from any adjacent heat source
  • A convection cooled power supply with standard a vertical mounting orientation which will be mounted in another orientation have to be derated by 5dC. See FAQ What should be noticed when installing a power supply in vertical and horizontal directions? Additionally ventilation holes must be kept free from any obstructions. Also, a 10-15 cm clearance must be kept from any adjacent heat source
  • Din rail power supplies can only be mounted in the specified orientation. This is with the ventilation holes at the bottom and on top of the power supply. No other mounting directions are recommended. Allow good ventilation clearances, 5mm left and right, 40mm above and 20mm below, around the unit in use to prevent it from overheating. Also, a 10-15 cm clearance must be kept when the adjacent device is a heat source.
  • For conduction cooling power supplies, the temperature on the Tc point is the key indicator if a mounting position can be allowed. The Tc position (1) and max Tc temperature (2) can be found in the product specification. Conduction cooled power supplies are for example IP65~IP68 LED drivers and base plate cooled power supplies such as UHP) Â